Category: Activitate 2018-2019

Event organized by the UNYDs of Romania: “Quality education and the progress of the Romanian educational system” – Craiova, Romania / Eveniment organizat la Craiova

The UN Youth Delegates of Romania organized an event on quality education at the University of Craiova with the support of the UN Youth Craiova branch. Context According to studies conducted by the World Economic Forum, by 2020, 5 million of current jobs will disappear, as they will be replaced by artificial intelligence, robotics and…
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Întâlnirea dintre Delegații la ONU și studenții români de la Unviersitatea Columbia / Meeting between the Romanian students from Columbia University and the UNYDs of Romania

The UN Youth Delegate of Romania, Aurelian D. Mohan, during his visit in New York City for the 2019 ECOSOC Youth Forum had the honor of meeting a group of brilliant Romanian students from the University of Columbia. They discussed about the current UN Youth Delegate of Romania mandate, about life as a student at…
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Întâlnirea de la New York dintre Delegații la ONU și reprezentantul CTI / New York meeting between the UNYDs of Romania and the CTI representative

During the ECOSOC Youth Forum (at the United Nations, April 8-9, 2019, New York HQ), the UN Youth Delegate of Romania, Aurelian D. Mohan, met with Andreas Novacovici, the President of the Romanian NGO entitled Consiliul Tinerilor Institutionalizați that represents institutionalized children in the most prestigious fora in the country and fights for their rights.…
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Participarea delegaților la ECOSOC Youth Forum / Participation in the ECOSOC Youth Forum 2019

The United Nations Youth Delegates of Romania, through Aurelian D. Mohan, had the opportunity to participate in the ECOSOC Youth Forum 2019 (at the United Nations, April 8-9, 2019, New York HQ). Although the ECOSOC Youth Forum took place two months after the 57th Sesstion of the Commission for Social Development, Aurelian D. Mohan, the…
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Participarea lui Aurelian Mohan, Delegat la ONU la European Student Conference, Universitatea Yale / The participation of UNYD Aurelian Mohan in the European Student Conference, Yale Unviersity

Aurelian Mohan had the honor of participating in the “European Student Conference 2019” (ESC 2019) organized at Yale University (April 4-6, 2019). The event brought together 100 undergraduate and graduate students, diplomats, and policymakers from all over the world in order to discuss the main challenges facing the European Union nowadays. ESC 2019 provided keynote…
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Delegații la ONU au fost raportori la European Union’s Youth Conference / The UNYDs of Romania were official rapporteurs at the European Union’s Youth Conference

Andrada C. Baba și Aurelian D. Mohan, the current United Nations Youth Delegates of Romania, participated as official rapporteurs in the European Union’s Youth Conference (March 25-28, 2019) that took place in Bucharest in the context of the Romanian Presidency of the Council of the European Union. In their capacity as rapporteurs both UN Youth…
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