Category: Activitate 2018-2019

The national awareness campaign entitled “Be cognizant! Take a stance!” / Campania națională „Fii informată, ia atitudine!”

Delegații de Tineret ai României la ONU, Andrada C. Baba și Aurelian D. Mohan, au lansat campania națională „Fii informată, ia atitudine!”, menită a oferi femeilor din România cât mai multe detalii despre drepturile lor și despre modalitățile prin care acestea pot preveni sau reacționa la abuzurile de orice fel! The United Nations Youth Delegates…
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Event organized by the UNYDs of Romania: the conference “Youth participation” alongside Social Impact Awards – Timisoara, Romania / Eveniment organizat la Timișoara

Andrada C. Baba and Aurelian D. Mohan organized a workshop on the SDGs in Timișoara, on March 15. The event, entitled “Youth participation”, focused on disseminating information about the United Nations, the Agenda 2030, and the UN Strategy on Youth. The United Nations Youth Delegates designed the aforementioned event – with a limited number of…
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OpenGovernment consultation with youth stakeholders / Consultare OpenGovernment cu organizațiile de tineret

The United Nations Youth Delegates of Romania, Andrada C. Baba and Aurelian D. Mohan, had the honor to participate in an OpenGovernment event organized by the Romanian Government at the Victoria Palace, Bucharest. At the aforementioned event took part the European Union Youth Delegates, representatives of the Romanian Government, the Embassy of France in Bucharest,…
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Participation of the UNYDs of Romania in the negotiation process of the youth resolution / Participarea Delegaților la negocierea rezoluției de tineret

(EN) In the context of the 57th session of the Commission for Social Development (CSocD57) pertaining to the UN ECOSOC, the United Nations Youth Delegates of Romania, Andrada C. Baba and Aurelian D. Mohan, participated on behalf of Romania in the negotiation process of the 2019 resolution on youth programs and policies. / (RO) În…
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UN Side event at the Romanian Permanent Mission / Side event organizat la Misiunea Permanentă a României

In the context of the 57th Session of the Commission for Social Development (UN ECOSOC), the UN Youth Delegates of Romania, Andrada C. Baba and Aurelian D. Mohan organized with the support of the Romanian Mission to the UN a side event entitled “Youth participation in the development of educational / occupational policies and in…
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UN Youth Delegates’ Speech at the 57th Commission for Social Development (UN)

The UN Youth Delegates of Romania deliver a speech at the ECOSOC Commision for Social Development (UN) Aurelian Mohan: The Priority Theme of the 2019 Session (of the Commission for Social Development) is of paramount importance not only for the leaders of all Member States, but also for each and every youth residing in those…
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