Delegații la ONU au ajutat cu organziarea Ediției a II-a a UNESCO’s Academy of Young Women / The UNYDs of Romania helped with the organization of the 2nd edition of the UNESCO’s Academy of Young Women
The United Nations Youth Delegates of Romania had the opportunity to help the National Committee of Romania for UNESCO to organize the 2nd edition of the UNESCO’s Academy of Young Women. The latter enterprise is an international project which brings together each year more than 20 young women from several countries in order to train them in journalism.
Andrada and Aurelian were fortunate enough in order to partner with the National Committee of Romania for UNESCO with the aim of promoting democratic values and high-quality journalism in the capital city of Romania. Because the official focus of the project was “Mass media as a tool for women’s empowerment”, all participants were trained to recognize and promote opportunities for young women.
The international project took place in Bucharest from May 13 to May 18 and employed multiple experts in the field of journalism, social media, and photo/video production.