Event organized by the UNYDs of Romania: “Quality education and the progress of the Romanian educational system” – Craiova, Romania / Eveniment organizat la Craiova

Event organized by the UNYDs of Romania: “Quality education and the progress of the Romanian educational system” – Craiova, Romania / Eveniment organizat la Craiova

The UN Youth Delegates of Romania organized an event on quality education at the University of Craiova with the support of the UN Youth Craiova branch.


According to studies conducted by the World Economic Forum, by 2020, 5 million of current jobs will disappear, as they will be replaced by artificial intelligence, robotics and nanotechnology; however, the same technological progress will create over 2.1 million new jobs in fields such as mathematics, architecture and engineering. To ensure balance in the future, we must start now to adapt to future labor market requirements.

As Romania’s Youth Delegates to the UN, we think about the current situation of young people, but especially about the future situation and how we could prospectively prepare for the challenges we will face.

The conference

Aurelian D. Mohan discussed with all participants about the Romanian educational system, the recent challenges students face on the marketplace, and the changes required in order to modernize educational systems. In addition, Aurelian debated together with the aforesaid young people about the benefits of higher funding, better research facilities, and a well-structured approach to education and knowledge. Moreover, Aurelian managed to answer the following questions:

a) What skills and competencies will be required in the near future?

b) How can schools and universities assist young people to better adapt to changes imposed by the Fourth Industrial Revolution?

c) How will artificial intelligence influence our life and what will be the role of education in that context?