Tag: UN

Participarea delegaților la ECOSOC Youth Forum / Participation in the ECOSOC Youth Forum 2019

The United Nations Youth Delegates of Romania, through Aurelian D. Mohan, had the opportunity to participate in the ECOSOC Youth Forum 2019 (at the United Nations, April 8-9, 2019, New York HQ). Although the ECOSOC Youth Forum took place two months after the 57th Sesstion of the Commission for Social Development, Aurelian D. Mohan, the…
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Participarea delegaților la European Youth Delegates Summit “UNESCO and Youth” / Participation of the UNYDs in the European Youth Delegates Summit “UNESCO and Youth” (Novi Sad, Serbia)

The United Nations Youth Delegates of Romania, Andrada C. Baba and Aurelian D. Mohan, participated in the European Youth Delegates Summit “UNESCO and Youth”, in Novi Sad, Serbia, from November 30 to December 2. The summit was organized by the UN Youth Delegates of Serbia together with the UNA of Serbia and the Committee in…
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Andrada C. Baba și Aurelian D. Mohan sunt noii Delegați de tineret ai României la ONU / Andrada C. Baba and Aurelian D. Mohan are the new UN Youth Delegates of Romania

Versiunea în limba română: Începând cu luna august 2018, Andrada Cristina Baba și Aurelian Dragoș Mohan au devenit noii Delegați de tineret ai României la Organizația Națiunilor Unite pentru mandatul 2018-2019! Aceștia s-au dovedit a fi extrem de motivați să ajute la construirea unui mediu favorabil dezvoltării tinerilor români; ei au derulat, din primele săptămâni…
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