Tag: Uniunea Europeană

Delegații la ONU au ajutat cu organziarea Ediției a II-a a UNESCO’s Academy of Young Women / The UNYDs of Romania helped with the organization of the 2nd edition of the UNESCO’s Academy of Young Women

The United Nations Youth Delegates of Romania had the opportunity to help the National Committee of Romania for UNESCO to organize the 2nd edition of the UNESCO’s Academy of Young Women. The latter enterprise is an international project which brings together each year more than 20 young women from several countries in order to train…
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Aurelian Mohan este coautorul ghidului Dialectica intitulat “Ghidul Alegerilor Europarlamentare din Romania” / Aurelian Mohan is the coauthor of Dialectica’s “Guide for the European Parliament Elections of Romania”

Aurelian D. Mohan, the UN Youth Delegate of Romania, is the coauthor of the Dialectica’s “Guide for the European Parliament Elections of Romania”. The enterprise’s main goal was to promote democratic values, to advocate for strong democratic institutions (SDG No. 16), and to educate Romanians on the benefits of voting. The ffull guide can be…
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Delegații la ONU au fost raportori la European Union’s Youth Conference / The UNYDs of Romania were official rapporteurs at the European Union’s Youth Conference

Andrada C. Baba și Aurelian D. Mohan, the current United Nations Youth Delegates of Romania, participated as official rapporteurs in the European Union’s Youth Conference (March 25-28, 2019) that took place in Bucharest in the context of the Romanian Presidency of the Council of the European Union. In their capacity as rapporteurs both UN Youth…
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Andrada și Aurelian vă prezintă Delegații de Tineret ai României la Uniunea Europeană / Andrada and Aurelian have the honor to present the European Union Youth Delegates

Date de contact Maria F. Cristea – Tel.: +40 724 307 612; E-mail: mariafrancesca.cristea@gmail.com Artiom Radu – Tel.: +40 737 771 246 Prezentare Delegați la UE Maria Francesca Cristea Sunt studentă la Facultatea de Științe Politice a Universității București, secția Relații Internaționale și Studii Europene. Activitatea mea de voluntariat a început încă din clasa a 9a concretizându-se în…
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Delegații la ONU au fost în comitetul de selecție al Delegaților la UE / The UNYDs were jury members in the selection process of the EU Youth Delegates

Andrada C. Baba and Aurelian D. Mohan, the current UN Youth Delegates of Romania, had the honor of being members of the jury in the selection process for the European Union Youth Delegates of Romania (November 14, 2018) at the invitation of the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In this context, both Aurelian and Andrada…
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