The UN Youth Delegates of Romania created the “Women Rights Guide” / Delegații de Tineret ai României la ONU au creat „Ghidul Drepturilor Femeii”
The guide entitled the “Women Rights Guide” is available here (only in Romanian):
The full guide
Additional documents & legal advice
The United Nations Youth Delegates of Romania, Aurelian D. Mohan and Andrada C. Baba, together with the UNYDs Volunteers created the guide entitled the “Women Rights Guide”. This dcoument is part of the national awareness campaign “Be cognizant! Take a stance!” that was launched in March with the purpose of informing and educating women on their rights.
The Facebook official post with the guide:
The aforementioned guide is one of the most comprehensive endeavors of this kind from Romania. It not only offers valuable information of the status quo and presents detailed legal advice for a wide range of cases included in the law, but it also emphasizes government-sponsored centers and techniques capable to help women.
This guide was created with legal advice from Aura Amironesei, a lawyer that was part of the United Nations Youth Delegates of Romania Volunteers. Moreover, the whole team of volunteers was involved in the process of creating the aforesaid guide. The UNYDs Volunteers are the following:
a) Aura-Elena Amironesei (Senior Event Organizer + Researcher)
b) Armencea Iulia (Communication Officer + Senior Researcher)
c) Miruna Marcu (Communication Officer)
d) Tasnim Chazli (Senior Event Organizer)
e) Carmen Murgu (Senior Event Organizer)
f) Diana Pîrgă (Communication Officer)
Both UNYDs of Romania, Aurelian and Andrada, together with their volunteers, did their best in order to create a better milieu for women: they worked more than 2 moths to design the “Women Rights Guide”, they disseminated during 20 events organized across country the UN values pertaining to the topic, educated youth during their yearlong mandate on the subject of gender equality, and implemented the national awareness campaign entitled “Be cognizant! Take a stance!”.
The full guide can be access here as well / Ghidul complet poate fi accesat și aici
Ghidul Drepturilor Femeii d… by DIALECTICA News on Scribd